Personal Information
Name: Zhaoping Meng
Professional title: Professor
Research Interests
(1) Development geology of coal and coalbed methane
(2) Mining engineering geology
Education/Work Background
1979.09-1983.07: Geological Department, Jiaozuo Mining Institute in Henan Province, Coal geology Bachelor;
1996.09-1999.07: China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing). Thesis title: Sedimentary Rock Mass Structure of Coal Roof and Its Influence on the Roof Stability, PhD;
1985.09-1987.1: Learning German at Foreign Department of Institute of Coal Management, Beijing;
2003.11-2004.11: Studying as a visiting scholar at Applied Geoscience Institute of Technical University Berlin;
1983.07-1996.08: Working at Central Coal Research Institute under the Ministry of Coal Industry of China (CCRI, MCI), Assistant engineer (1983.07-1985.09)-Engineer (1987.02-1992.07)-Senior Engineer (1992.07-1996.08);
1999.07-2001.12: Working at College of Geosciences and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Associate Professor;
2001.12-present: Working at College of Geosciences and Surveying Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), Professor.
Teaching Courses
Engineering geology (undergraduate)
Mining engineering geology and disasters (postgraduate)
Development geology of coalbed methane and its Engineering (postgraduate)
Key Research Funding
Hosted and participated in completed over 90 scientific research projects, including topic of the National "973 Plan" project, National Science and Technology Key Research Projects, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry Key Research Projects, and Industry Departments.
Selected Publications (* denotes Corresponding author)
6 academic monographs and over 150 academic papers were published in important domestic and international journals, of which more than 100 have been indexed by SCI and EI. Since 2000, selected multiple times as a "highly cited scholar in China" by Elsevier and ranked in the top 2% of global scientists. Also, 10 national invention patents have been authorized, and 5 national software copyrights have been obtained. The representative publications are as follows:
Zhaoping Meng, Yongdong Tian, Guofu Li. Theory and Method of Coalbed Methane Development Geology[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2010
Zhaoping Meng, Shimin Liu. Coalbed Methane Development Geology and Engineering in Coal Mining Area[M]. Beijing: Science Press, 2018
Zhaoping Meng, Jienan Pan. Correlation between petrographic characteristics and failure duration in clastic rocks[J]. Engineering Geology, 2007, 89: 258-265
Zhaoping Meng, Jincai Zhang, Suping Peng. Influence of sedimentary environments on mechanical properties of clastic rocks[J]. Environmental geology, 2006, 51: 113-120
Zhaoping Meng,Jichang Zhang, Tiedemann Joachim . Relationship Between Physical and Mechanical Parameters of Coal Measures Rocks and Acoustic Wave Velocity[J]. Chinese J. Geophys., 2006, 49(5): 1352-1359
Zhaoping Meng, Jincai Zhang, Rui Wang. In-situ stress, pore pressure and stress-dependent permeability in the Southern Qinshui Basin[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 2011, 48: 122-131.
Zhaoping Meng, Guoqing Li, Xiaotong Xie. A geological assessment method of floor water inrush risk and its application[J]. Engineering Geology, 2012, 143: 51-60
Zhaoping Meng, Guoqing Li. Experimental research on the permeability of high-rank coal under a varying stress and its influencing factors[J]. Engineering Geology, 2013, 162: 108-117
Zhaoping Meng, Xiuchang Shi, Guoqing Li. Deformation, failure and permeability of coal-bearing strata during longwall mining[J]. Engineering Geology, 2016, 208: 69-80
Zhaoping Meng, Shanshan Liu, Guoqing Li. Adsorption capacity, adsorption potential and surface free energy of different structure high rank coals[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2016, 146: 856-865
Zhaoping Meng, Jiwei Yan and Guoqing Li. Controls on Gas Content and Carbon Isotopic Abundance of Methane in Qinnan-East Coal Bed Methane Block, Qinshui Basin, China[J]. Energy Fuels, 2017, 31: 1502-1511
Peng Zhang, Zhaoping Meng*, Shu Jiang, Xiaoming Chen. Characteristics of in-situ stress distribution in Zhengzhuang Region,Southern Qinshui Basin, China and its stress path during depletion[J]. Engineering Geology, 2020, 264: 105413
Jiwei Yan, Zhaoping Meng*, Kun Zhang, Huifang Yao, Haijin Hao. Pore distribution characteristics of various rank coals matrix and their inflences on gas adsorption. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2020, 189: 107041
Jiwei Yan, Zhaoping Meng*, Guoqing Li. Diffusion characteristics of methane in various rank coals and the control mechanism[J]. Fuel, 2021, 283: 118959
Zhaoping Meng, Junhuan Lei, Kun Zhang, Yuheng Wang, Libo Tan, and Weiqiang Dong. Experimental Study on Producing Pressure Difference and Flow Rate Sensitivity in a Coalbed Methane Production Well[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2022, 36: 170-180